Onet Technologies Logo

Engineering and Services for Probabilistic Risk Assessment
and Fire Safety Management

US nuclear utilities
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Canadian nuclear utilities
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Engineering Planning and Management, Inc.

Onet Technologies, through its wholly owned company Engineering Planning and Management (EPM), has decades of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) and fire protection safety services in the Americas, Europe and Asia.  EPM is a leader in PRA, risk informed engineering, fire protection engineering, nuclear and chemical safety services.  EPM is a company with staff composed of engineers with expertise and practical experience from utilities, nuclear vendors, and developed from on-site support.  We provide real world experience to bring innovative and cost-effective solutions to our customers.

We deliver high quality solutions to assist our customers in managing and reducing their risk, improving safety and efficiency at their facilities and addressing regulatory compliance challenges.

  • Working with 80% of US and 100% Canadian nuclear utilities
  • Over 40 years to customer focused solutions based upon our practical experience

Our Activities

  • PRA modeling for internal events, fire, flood, external flood, tsunami, seismic, wind, multi-unit and other external hazards

  • Risk informed applications for O&M cost improvement including risk informed technical specifications and surveillance test interval extensions

  • Peer and third-party independent reviews

  • Risk informed fire protection

  • Fire hazard analysis

  • Fire protection systems design

  • Deterministic and risk informed performance based safe shutdown analysis

  • Electrical analysis/design calculations

  • Safety Classification and Categorization for cost improvement

  • PRA Model Conversion (ex. Riskman to CAFTA conversion)

  • Severe accident management guidelines

  • Fire modeling based upon international codes

  • Software solutions for cable management, fire safe shutdown, EQ, permit tracking and visual plan for emergency response

  • Environmental qualification

  • Thermal hydraulic analysis for PRA

  • Reactor oversight process

In Japan, EPM technologies works with Japanese and international partners to offer

  • Integrated risk management and fire protection services to provide cost effective solutions
  • Technologies to improve safety, reduce O&M costs and plant outage times
  • Software solutions for nuclear plant electrical design, cable management, environmental qualification, fire protection, safe shutdown analysis, and permit oversight and tracking

We follow proven approaches to provide successful solutions to our customers.

We focus on partnerships with customers to bring value added solutions to complex problems.

Our key risk and fire safety projects in Japan so far

  • Support of internal fire PRA models for a BWR nuclear power plant
  • Electrical circuit analysis and circuit failure mode likelihood analysis (CFMLA)
  • Support of internal flood PRA models for a BWR nuclear power plant
  • Technical training on performance of circuit analysis
  • Interaction and support of Japanese nuclear industry groups
Paul Hijeck
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Paul Hijeck

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